MUTA’s frame marquee course gathers pace

It’s been three months since the launch of MUTA’s latest e-learning course and we’re delighted to report that it’s proving to be a popular resource for marquee companies.

Here’s what Key Structures managing director Chris Martelly had to say:

MUTA Instruct – Frame Marquee is a fantastic tool for our site team, particularly new starters. It’s imperative that our site crew understand the fundamentals of how to erect a frame marquee and this course does exactly that.”

With four key modules and videos throughout, the course covers the fundamentals of how to erect a frame marquee safely and effectively.

At the end of each module, candidates need to complete a short series of assessment questions before progressing. If the candidate answers the questions correctly, a certificate will be issued at the end of the course.

The course costs £29.99 (+VAT) per user for MUTA members and £39.99 (+VAT) per user for non-members.

To read more about the course, please click here.

Click here and then ‘Create new account’ to get started. To purchase multiple courses in one go, email

MUTA would like to thank the Event Industry Forum for funding 50% of the development costs.